
Difference between White Box Testing (WBT) & Black Box Testing (BBT)

Black Box Testing
White Box Testing

Black Box Testing is the Software testing method which is used to test the software without knowing the internal structure of code or program.

White Box Testing is the software testing method in which internal structure is being known to tester who is going to test the software.
It is also called as Behavioral, Specification Based and Functional Testing.
It is also called as Clear Box testing, Open Box testing, Structural testing, Transparent Box testing, Code-Based testing, and Glass Box testing.

It is performed by the end user, developer, and tester.

It is usually done by tester and developers.
No Knowledge of programming is required.
It is necessary to have programming knowledge.

It is applicable to the higher levels  of testing like System Testing and Acceptance Testing.
It is generally applicable to the lower levels of testing like  Unit Testing and Integration Testing

In Black Box Testing is primarily concentrate on the functionality of the system under test
In White Box testing is primarily concentrate on the testing of program code of the system under test like code structure, branches, conditions, loops etc.

The main aim of this testing to check on what functionality is performing by the system under test.

The main aim of White Box testing to check on how System is performing.
Black Box testing can be started based on Requirement Specifications documents.
White Box testing can be started based on Detail Design documents.

It is based on trial and error method.
Data domain and internal boundaries can be tested.

It is less exhaustive and time-consuming.
It is exhaustive and time-consuming method.
Testing can start after preparing requirement specification document.
Testing can start after preparing for Detail design document.

It is well suited and efficient for large code segments.

It allows removing the extra lines of code, which can bring in hidden defects.
Low skilled testers can test the application with no knowledge of the implementation of programming language or operating system.

Need an expert tester with vast experience to perform white box testing.
Search on Google . Users just enters keywords and gets expected results in turn.
Another example is calculator.

The tester chooses input to verifying loops, control flows, return types etc. through the code and determines the suitable outputs.

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